Delegation | Voter | Rank | Candidate | Type |
| | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 1 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945755f5e45d12a705b8f3ca139357f04a2776009362270836 |
Alabama | Tyler
Henderson | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94515ca69ca9a54086b6fa6362700b7ff11132079943003134 |
Alabama | Ryan
Krone | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94517595b4af6105d0b9414bf0a4349d64d423745417656278 |
Alaska | Aadam
Hammond | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94506908b813a4fdc3a5abc23f061e52aed141101762338337 |
Alaska | Robert
Shields | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945a15464e86fc56b6a635c475515a03163865165654038568 |
Arizona | Cole
Shores | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9458f379cd6c696335c3816854d0dcefd57876653740264642 |
Arizona | Angel
Torres | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94532a8a929f7548a6751edb9c0015c77b1266545445926103 |
Arkansas | Ryan
Giglio | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945d486fca99271ba746c219b74b393a055819811253408266 |
Arkansas | Robin
Rumph | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945d6aea46b2ac2d55f566c30b36861be8c491151496179895 |
Black Caucus | Joy
Davis | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945809003f0281cb2bab3c588f5d9159109500599034574278 |
Black Caucus | James
Lane | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454da72b3450b4ec02345cfff983c2818112186811236228 |
California | Josefina
Aranda | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454ffa5525f90913561064e4b8ad87128f151930524559469 |
California | Jan
Arnold | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945761075c3d9dac33c6b3670b119044353715032954475806 |
California | Marla
Bernstein | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945365fe0f067bc9582bba42b998474270a108214688291446 |
California | June
Brashares | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 5 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455c0334868b7be2b73e2a25ba54b58f8a603180629729529 |
California | Darryl
Cherney | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9453fc6dcdfc8608496b3b78b8baf8ed48e128934100266792 |
California | David
Cobb | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945fdfd30ff22d5a86afc5a654ed72d33af105323135622362 |
California | Budd
Dickinson | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945fa0bdcb47299ebdcbeea45e425308724804586556146426 |
California | Sue Roberts
Emery | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454451bfa0fa4995b58febcbbb06b7313e132536257670889 |
California | Sanda
Everette | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | No other candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
945dee41bf5f18933021ccbe44fa60c7c97511544427032055 |
California | Meleiza
Figueroa | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455ef8db6c4749a228ab7c5da2b2cfd0d4499576797679969 |
California | Sadie
Fulton | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945340d9905c6e50d2aedadab0ad5652130873551556666182 |
California | Richard
Gomez | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455a9314acfbe684b4febc67cc9492a21814701969399641 |
California | Lisa
Hsu | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e6cfdd893da527c71875be6deb30c258152674321386597 |
California | Josh
Jones | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945028fdf7bc44e5c5a5eff73751f7d439825587528554334 |
California | Tarik
Kanaana | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94546141bced99933a6326b0ab089a8bbc8150438119332586 |
California | Peggy
Koteen | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9456bdd35bb1e4725f062ef0d071f62883f129843818916307 |
California | Jared
Laiti | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94506f5e5a9eea8d844960bb0160cef5164534622709144023 |
California | Genevieve
Marcus | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9459bdca1fc47d83146521af1f9f78093f2136877145215067 |
California | Kenneth
Mejia | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945d7c3fa0679ce8ef5352ffa0a3d292989998800941829898 |
California | Mimi
Newton | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454ffd628b124529c6990dd8135ebdfa9674370205640189 |
California | Cordula
Ohman | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945d3bf2ed04910a8df31bda76f26f56a65175414729434348 |
California | Linda
Piera-Avila | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454308debc6f39359537b6e4f0a8f320c7244735659394027 |
California | Erik
Rydberg | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9451a475e81eceb52f26343671cb2957ec533303187257207 |
California | Adam
Siegel | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e7d5e2ec62e3eb8de04b653f2427a595141520921680078 |
California | Phoebe Thomas
Sorgen | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9456c3557ed7aa2f76df9317b9bcbbc3b4b126693130217708 |
California | Violet Rose
Zitola | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945987a7c54b37f8875cd65e916b9642dbf785330596384858 |
Colorado | Andrea
Merida | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945028f290c94fb68b571c6d37a98d744e9147138704553946 |
Colorado | Stephen
Molyneux | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e437ecb19dbec1376a09d9ce5d1e2780774877271132399 |
Connecticut | Owen
Charles | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9458572070f1d2b4497e2c130fe55eff537150357795188108 |
Connecticut | S. Michael
DeRosa | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94514cfd0f6e0e2ea44775c1a409ba5d8dd150237812434872 |
Delaware | Bernie
August | 1 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945438a2a75b763c401c31fb88e5c720ff4796490120360423 |
Delaware | David
McCorquodale | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b0a73a622dfe5ba6162b2238e65ca49677288194663396 |
District of Columbia | Justin
McCarthy | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945bfb53248a4b042d8745dd7fe247feac2103994968374445 |
District of Columbia | Darryl
Moch | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94508018b526de309e1c0beebf3b433a9d5712193343082666 |
Florida | Maggie
Gouldin | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94564e60dd3e579299662c03eda25c9085f10122112381256 |
Florida | Henry
Lawrence III | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945ffafe309f1187b33344d3d317548c2b5122335191586778 |
Florida | Elijah
Manley | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Elijah Manley | Write In |
| | 5 | Jill Stein | Write In |
Ballot key:
945236bf8fd9038a5fc44a6e70609117e02514069628218193 |
Florida | Jennifer
Sullivan | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b38a5d711630218c02daabdb2d80ffc3101374208540304 |
Georgia | Bruce
Dixon | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94572900798a433792d934946c5b1a3c8cc244557383462189 |
Georgia | Preston
Thacker | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945111bf28cb874e304f12884d9964e17cb494176339104546 |
Hawaii | N.
Nikhilananda | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e7cd608209e7cb147a315f8624cf8970151455426678528 |
Illinois | Jack
Ailey | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94561fe618bd1bd7480f9d40e4040b53c11116786072457057 |
Illinois | David
Black | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94573469c904994d75e7673c8e9ad5ffd64136002143049031 |
Illinois | Chris
Blankenhorn | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94518641db2374361e4f7b0b401bc173ba2867640419702523 |
Illinois | Aaron
Goldberg | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455a56c5f53a259f0f3348c88666d2cb47147239308933384 |
Illinois | Bill
Kreml | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945c791b06d79d6d680c505ca23658b5f7c135554334075284 |
Illinois | Gini
Lester | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455afa6a1a4ad79698e9d7ec9f77df2c1a684163977445354 |
Illinois | Rita
Maniotis | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9451a50c76a4e8212761027aa6e0dcb07a0956538592512548 |
Illinois | Mary Jane
Oviatt | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b9126f59fef9ff0a03e439195a3db57a620974642326218 |
Illinois | AJ
Reed | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455711113ac9ff43b301f5114b5e599791450131193907348 |
Illinois | Sheldon
Schafer | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94597178f23f520d2c3b37a1fc949c86048417134398568796 |
Indiana | Breanna
Baker | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9452fd06074ef72b4ca030892e0c72094b3751720809288185 |
Indiana | Amanda
Thornburg | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9450943fbbdfe2586a706dda2c6b88ca9a7172104410195295 |
Iowa | Florence
Boos | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94588d7fac50fd5b93028059812089f3ccd112015342546208 |
Iowa | Holly
Hart | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945a5d3349f67b7b2d6a4eeb0d5c641c481629415404753772 |
Kansas | Nick
Blessing | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 5 | No write in candidate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454c0054a43e84db801b3a58181c769805966781237247136 |
Kansas | Paul
Krumm | 1 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945f1b7f244b06073dd514f202ceb7e73d3416489084280718 |
Lavender Caucus | Margaret
Elisabeth | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945ae66438353d294b9812e01f074aae9e3194957428547078 |
Lavender Caucus | Dario
Hunter | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9452921abc0dba41c7964069c0e5b509d0a25269023022296 |
Louisiana | Morgan
Moss Jr | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455a4264956da5a58749a03df2607897f7134518319979579 |
Maine | Jacqui
Deveneau | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9450cd462456f8b61190ac91b231cdb3144131361755228074 |
Maine | George
Hamilton | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b8a6b7179a45979531c8758843217133133972960495139 |
Maine | Lyn
Maravell | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94593f435dd7a3e592fd9d8b4ff4d719ad3832729836964636 |
Maine | John
Rensenbrink | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94579a4c9a3d65600b533d9f772becb4c86980287962250291 |
Maryland | Margaret
Flowers | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945785151063da48e422e19c6a5cb72a53f995450099547471 |
Maryland | Tim
Willard | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94540c8e0c142ac7d9e5659ea227ba50da2776930158126739 |
Massachusetts | John
Andrews | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945efc3a609da7daafc05bd13fb6f126113140846532573365 |
Massachusetts | David
Gerry | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9450ef5c6bd89954c8190f327278b336cff144844972122319 |
Massachusetts | Joanna
Herlihy | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94506581cda84f6556e3521e46ab2aa69d6135681136501925 |
Massachusetts | Jill
Stein | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9459dd14db00d358f517d819b578b1c8656626935634614626 |
Michigan | Linda
Cree | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945317623b7dfcd129fd1578bd24feaca3b466538990118135 |
Michigan | Rita
Jacobs | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9453aa0639680d767e50fc15995222d1af4176367391524677 |
Michigan | LuAnne
Kozma | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9457bd7e1379c925ded1056d9f7427d88cc14338426150971 |
Michigan | Jennifer
La Pietra | 1 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945a0cf16de5c21886a0bd518f44dfebae9526337029066284 |
Michigan | Louis
Novak | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9459228781a6548e33b09e65c4e666e898f849495273568596 |
Michigan | Mike
Zubas | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945dc3377768cf5412deaba3436615fe0be816619925170633 |
Minnesota | Kaleb Joel
Fischer | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455cf5efbdd162f7714556d019e3eb68c4121073548754885 |
Minnesota | Andy
Schuler | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9453169282e30aeea572d5afd9d469a44d0589826996924309 |
Mississippi | Nekita
Gandy | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94509c1f499d6565b54dea42ca12c3ac7421434595733347 |
Mississippi | Jan
Hillegas | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9456e021891ae2f4a07940665fded69cdf4611108890211483 |
Missouri | Ron
Burch | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9458fdd1b0d61fd11f5beb6c87012b011e9736874872877599 |
Missouri | Kai
McCoy | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94533826b41d9ea5c3fab7154d68fb2e3b51341953442711 |
Montana | Tom
Breck | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945183339c6342b0e870a051531cc9e38b7785587731616416 |
Montana | Antonio
Morsette | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945f425ad9e87ba056726abee74f51f148f110607106634713 |
Nebraska | Charles
Ostdiek | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94566b8438c472ad946a3102b3b4c14ad9d879324420711335 |
New Jersey | Craig
Cayetano | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94527d41403b4429616f24bc5916df2e895121027239336149 |
New Jersey | Kim
Meudt | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945599889a86763c95424540ca5ff2c3aa6124552761918791 |
New York | John
Baldwin | 1 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945ef9dec7becf6b8baed816bd4ace4bfca117826029280183 |
New York | Dani
Liebling | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94579a23896bea52fa0bcfe83bd80c8bfa4206119479994985 |
New York | Gloria
Mattera | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94599e61e93d2fef57121ba2a8b760b4b01588090707295451 |
New York | Michael
O'Neil | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94547317700eee60d98e7fa559a80775c9c110130996969069 |
New York | Gil
Obler | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9458302c766021caa08740e9842e1ae25aa103192902047251 |
New York | Ursula
Rozum | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94592729190e19799ef068ca18d05ecbb21865797075231466 |
New York | Craig
Seeman | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945ae6670f496a7ecb9d7d27e8edc6bada6948832341671723 |
North Carolina | Tommie
James | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945a80ef33905807d9ee52d29fd6dfbbbd9884240485745705 |
North Carolina | Michael
Trudeau | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945352664220d2d3f7197c6ce6c660c9480708228781123987 |
Ohio | Jake
Ellis | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9452115cf1086eef2c057dae26d9ea27f2f633600976073892 |
Ohio | Philena
Farley | 1 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945225ede6aa2f7304b145b389de4a61575899756203493988 |
Ohio | Kevin
Fay | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454e8c8e05845d4552f49ade88f7fff0ac246942936742879 |
Oklahoma | Eric
Smith | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945858ecfd6b142f4748d740e93afae49a7105237420265273 |
Oregon | Suzia
Aufderheide | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945d7ec8a5f59f4ea64e61e553e53f5fbca433725690707848 |
Oregon | Paul
Loney | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94553d44e4deff55f1bfda25ac62482fbe6104575845583852 |
Oregon | T.
Oliver | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b7d4486ee7f82cf415bf6a3c5c4d018b648849989208985 |
Pennsylvania | Christian
Banchs | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9459fc740c34b614242eab5761c12f0856a133879491322825 |
Pennsylvania | Stuart
Chen-Hayes | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94572a639264e41f5cfa5ff3269e06b15df134709311160014 |
Pennsylvania | Kristin
Combs | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94565c73e31337d9f1a1f8b71e6349dc06f721685567013047 |
Pennsylvania | Beth
Scroggin | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945c0f97a747621307ed8a1aadb634932fb953690820275261 |
Pennsylvania | Jay
Walker | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94598b9aae98cb98430882ee378d8785cdd904123934813081 |
Rhode Island | Tony
Affigne | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e8777054331b4f94692644e4125e9b6c436124248950575 |
Rhode Island | Glen
Bennett | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94568734ce2338ee7fd72696f9e7d8e3307987804307636168 |
Rhode Island | Nick
Schmader | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945f328f95628cb23884acc7a0e291aa251134955317344821 |
South Carolina | Jessica
Lazenby | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455fd31b0d89f86226e3229c357c59ebc8689569036672503 |
South Carolina | David
Whiteman | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94539c4e02eb10543302ae178ac0faddd4983686813240351 |
Tennessee | Howard
Switzer | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945487433401f9c2b905a95251c15ca7d63640810785540963 |
Texas | Alan
Apurim | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945134bd76634b6baf7e403b9b4d75c7151131705894575074 |
Texas | Wesson
Gaige | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94568dff90ba07a83d615bd342323e93b6e11494848799582 |
Texas | Herb
Gonzales | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945b790a830ca547e280aa346712c1cb14c108688603326484 |
Texas | Kevin
McCormick | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945e7bb69053d9e67abfdd7f075b84060d7532952668972567 |
Texas | Laura
Palmer | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945dc4fc1aab33c317983f8c9c67ac5b77e175453836002809 |
Utah | Brendan
Phillips | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945804205ce5757f7f3bd9da8fd87b861b9973528292866439 |
Utah | Dee
Taylor | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9450f7ef6d81a90accf33665dfafa6725f3108348139778934 |
Virginia | Montigue
Magruder | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 3 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9459eaf44dbf765b5a934cfb096608c93f5153104112407222 |
Virginia | Tina
Rockett | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
945c5c3f36e5bbacf0d5115bc65efb0df58149824137507563 |
Washington | Jody
Grage | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9450256e584fa3f93b7262adbd8da9f496920795743064785 |
Washington | Kathryn
Lewandowsky | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94597cfb632c129bcff92c488a4d4c4e508124970887026588 |
West Virginia | Joel
Brown | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9452387075ffad22879440d8149170910b989851532095543 |
West Virginia | Frank
Young | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9453f1e4813da8cf0d924fca8bc19e84411838753671434154 |
Wisconsin | Bruce
Hinkforth | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9454630b65e5e68478267a1f0e64d156291580434626940671 |
Wisconsin | Michael
White | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | Write In |
| | 3 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
94584330a5252db0868d204f146257870b9104123447935847 |
Women's Caucus | Ann
Link | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 2 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9457a863eddb52bfaea79ca608de6139542130835487094464 |
Youth Caucus | Austin
Bashore | 1 | Bruce Dixon | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Kai Michelle McCoy | On Ballot |
| | 4 | David Gerry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9455aa37bc8fbaa34266279429e209edea9703265301559408 |
Latinx Caucus | Darlene
Elias | 1 | Justin Beth | On Ballot |