Delegation | Voter | Rank | Candidate | Type |
| | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No write-in votes | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914ee9f6fa66dafa84108fc136d7c34aad5110088613733585 |
Arizona | Claudia
Ellquist | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91403899fe9a8bdbbbc01fabb3a2928d12e107434810389755 |
Arizona | Angel
Torres | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91414b163a2cf1bba434cb3f5973ddc0070255296270995696 |
Black Caucus | Joy
Davis | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9141e7bf3ce0505104fb0dffb3e6a53ad0d134851524068083 |
Black Caucus | Monica
James | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f683873b7ae7998ebf946f1dcdd40571139829609917546 |
Black Caucus | James
Lane | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914b15a3e50fd8fa9143d6ea9386d4cec63270280296716664 |
California | Josefina
Aranda | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
9145e190a30dabfc03acce164327a976ab3962793412822479 |
California | Marla
Bernstein | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9140a8b0eedf76ff22df87d64b357167b82522284451059344 |
California | David
Cobb | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914338ae65b90a3d067d31883484aaceada778790589169684 |
California | Budd
Dickinson | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914257102a96474d68c56b3ca7bcbff161d475508446427189 |
California | Angelica
Duenas | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91440dc26f94c8f6291c5ed8ae4b12cb19b134754737754325 |
California | Sanda
Everette | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914630c4549136dbbea2c45f1f9b299e174941575468227946 |
California | Mike
Feinstein | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
914b866bc2c7b6d08e23a72f5c0ccbb635d796991259800025 |
California | Meleiza
Figueroa | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914d0f18c5a86c58103184eea1b80e4fad3643174081580666 |
California | Richard
Gomez | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914ba97af2667064a9dd47cc96e1e4afc4d669044176353888 |
California | Lisa
Hsu | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
914de26a9d82f11bc81e121061e24525606373520368955777 |
California | Tarik
Kanaana | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91433fce118326818946e12dd5adf16e83c73739231305113 |
California | Peggy
Koteen | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No write-in votes | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914dc80fb8a43bdb229788b3ae8851cc2e2845160307812085 |
California | Jared
Laiti | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9146f87f37a2ca3f33b8d24788a80e78d7b282648488864712 |
California | Bob
Marsh | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91449ad006f42c156bc3a708018a06a3f3f114813231471237 |
California | Cordula
Ohman | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
9143241834f1df4819c6f8acf32fbefd1921201164949616 |
California | Linda
Piera-Avila | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914768412a74dc1e3c123b90136fd2b1176113122609060457 |
California | Erik
Rydberg | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9140ee9a05595540d73cd8716009c183d6e556607653571902 |
California | Cynthia
Santiago | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | No Other Candidate | Write In |
Ballot key:
9143126db7ea77a95338368dcc5734d4404205205302244543 |
California | Phoebe Thomas
Sorgen | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914fa86ac5c3b9ceb5784a76181d6013b4d318918677526735 |
California | Jesse
Townley | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9145423c0dbdeb4f4138a3abe5bfda24b3f119330648390184 |
Colorado | Stephen
Molyneux | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91409772b3e1a24dc0eb5c5b4a0997eb8cd618704781339395 |
Connecticut | S. Michael
DeRosa | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914a3f588ec4cd4cb49e61569c35317d356569694133908983 |
Delaware | Bernie
August | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914fd1d5ed8de7916e2906b9a58e851caa8133592709208304 |
Delaware | David
McCorquodale | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9147069e2e542893d37e40c15dbdccb8c6540498750672027 |
District of Columbia | Jenefer
Ellingston | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914868c89072c4a7d76c8d9befc9b859cda916256410935284 |
District of Columbia | Justin
McCarthy | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9145cc2429796c08d83cb5aa0fcdac0e034117343754695161 |
Florida | Henry
Lawrence III | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914e6f73eed0d7deb64c4583a9717ddbcb7754198582891271 |
Florida | Elijah
Manley | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914091862c5e67ed0489c34c7dd232200f9480669052439355 |
Georgia | Qadija
Tatum-Aamir | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91463f919f74010f80a5dca4bbfe8ac808d126518651286641 |
Georgia | Preston
Thacker | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9144af78ab2d95e7219b633f17e5781f738405268351357721 |
Hawaii | N.
Nikhilananda | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9142c6a8df904c0c03f253b4752035586c3534434900164736 |
Illinois | Jack
Ailey | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914fbb2bb1142df2dff36834985d3508196113322243965708 |
Illinois | David
Black | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9148d03359fa085ec67dc4d8fc975bc0eb811273287075242 |
Illinois | Chris
Blankenhorn | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914eb62aa1acdb09f5f4500258e5cdb44b6897702837234854 |
Illinois | Aaron
Goldberg | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9142f8703f8f16f652b7bbb0667e0d3d79b228184372726844 |
Illinois | Bill
Kreml | 1 | Tamar Yager | Write In |
Ballot key:
914507f5757cc4939b73cf6f45c9b2186b2797589619436831 |
Illinois | AJ
Reed | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9148d5850e3fdcacef889f332d5d8c5fc5a148432440881356 |
Illinois | Sheldon
Schafer | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914cf81647663a4e189b9c416d496564ed6826496991715282 |
Iowa | Holly
Hart | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914180787f659a249b66f3ae6140fd9e563116448692571655 |
Kansas | Paul
Krumm | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91451fa7375ec75fae7cd3b962daeffe877572670074305596 |
Kentucky | Kris
Smoot | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91425da4bf112a803ca11d0e7b54cf3257b125056013752686 |
Lavender Caucus | Mish
Chavez | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f61d94294ffce9625f625286927034e4767121994041557 |
Lavender Caucus | Margaret
Elisabeth | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914cfbd0950c1f3c5eca3d12179c8c1821d151307455438907 |
Maine | Jacqui
Deveneau | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9141e6e8f40ea1c527f0108bc0f608293c2209155575971864 |
Maine | George
Hamilton | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91440ff0e625caeab13e2177a0c4aff369c128401720373934 |
Maine | Lyn
Maravell | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914342f6e6f90ff23547a6aa5db4fff5929485577273824272 |
Maryland | Margaret
Flowers | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91479112f95348971901d5e692330357d3e132833726948423 |
Maryland | Tim
Willard | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f31e9d13e86269d520aec6de89e8c029116562820393726 |
Massachusetts | John
Andrews | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | No write-in votes | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914581d49e8b188501b3345b2d545c3c639148636883788673 |
Massachusetts | David
Gerry | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f5b026c607bf359b9bff499100e0512b133925521076211 |
Massachusetts | Joanna
Herlihy | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914a79750ec410de6470f2f1aa252ebf98d142586846734506 |
Massachusetts | Juan
Sanchez | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9148d3ff6369c245e9d3af14f627373f40710298055533682 |
Michigan | Jennifer
La Pietra | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914007e6b13b12eea3b8404856975c2f3aa100908523705439 |
Michigan | Mike
Zubas | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f38c7ab63e09d201d037e420f3177c4b786676286910614 |
Mississippi | Nekita
Gandy | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914c786c208084987d3c81128a6134c0ea7116392501330852 |
Mississippi | Jan
Hillegas | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9143a95d865e49735c752ce17e78af8f9d2111410795186126 |
Missouri | Alison
Baldree | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9144fe69d6a5b6191607f04da6f7ba6ffcc154196793127692 |
Missouri | Ron
Burch | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914a77c266f08c3938537e3405ee150b79c443051529076123 |
Nebraska | Charles
Ostdiek | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91413f5eec412fb3cdfd53540efb7e83e13112123520439587 |
New Jersey | Kim
Meudt | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914112044fa379d477cbd398e592e94445311745014260616 |
New York | Dani
Liebling | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914aaebc44812caac757da92e381e30a0f3797566284983223 |
New York | Gloria
Mattera | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9142f4d89a8565820a634bf27f529841580494925128112039 |
New York | Michael
O'Neil | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914d00aa954257b0ad51cd705a7c8d202f5115771216819086 |
New York | Gil
Obler | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914bf86cba7a1d817165a2c49e84f674c4f686330928309463 |
New York | Craig
Seeman | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Tamar Yager | Write In |
Ballot key:
914ad9f38157b44f25c804385981cc785f6521181451367401 |
New York | Anya
Szykitka | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914c861c8828606c1189dbe725f737f5282104664172390515 |
North Carolina | Tommie
James | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9148c6be6f8b0820a9405cc7a6ca67c28f8143706339237927 |
North Carolina | Michael
Trudeau | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914c6a5d924c159cb3ac798efccb8b68f94134264890468748 |
Ohio | Philena
Farley | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9144be444b21369ae64499f4967a1db105d129372111018121 |
Ohio | Kevin
Fay | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9149219a14f7b7b6ff50e7b9803a2b6db49894744600167457 |
Ohio | Logan
Martinez | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91449583e769abaf1247371f79c62b7b6fe130436051935402 |
Oregon | Suzia
Aufderheide | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9146e517269f693b6bd5ef8eb080f8dc8c8505483024344343 |
Oregon | Paul
Loney | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914a42da50c3d968397ceb23753cd589b5f383182278233717 |
Pennsylvania | Stuart
Chen-Hayes | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9140bcad8c14ca9ba44f0180e299ecffef0598284992182874 |
Pennsylvania | Beth
Scroggin | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
91407c7849e2e5f2bf1d14375b1584cb219105160967942351 |
Pennsylvania | Charles
Sherrouse | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914820e1a35f60b7e6f6e042464df39f283212018403848507 |
Pennsylvania | Brian
Tholl | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9146fc96026a1dad7870afd320cddfa8226728691002907658 |
South Carolina | Jessica
Lazenby | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9148891e499bbc422d7f2a3b7269abe6efb479533087178024 |
Tennessee | Elizabeth
Dachowski | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914330edeeab48193e3f2a518231d1ef415106203604332233 |
Tennessee | Howard
Switzer | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9147c129a9a33802275c35d3b0b9664038d834799499993861 |
Texas | Adrian
Boutureira | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9145c1aa8c319767fd6e3ece4d4ec9c1976652547380582445 |
Texas | Wesson
Gaige | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9145bcd216e51e65e4a7d7e084237af17fa125277069231856 |
Texas | Herb
Gonzales | 1 | Joy Davis | Write In |
Ballot key:
914765f3425cd028c6eb91ba752b42dd57b137795309203269 |
Texas | Laura
Palmer | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914bce4d36d538f53e8c3b54639fbaf3ee3620008277686912 |
Utah | Dee
Taylor | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914d2b4629589f18c1e61c4f6a084b11a88290426160901726 |
Virginia | Tina
Rockett | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914b253811dfaa94ccbaccd637cad62cb69638694877312054 |
Virginia | Tamar
Yager | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914b9badef8eff1c0e4529f860032e4008b757003203774227 |
Washington | Jody
Grage | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9143752da65ad2b8fe2e9b5a5b85b3ad14d133574741499494 |
West Virginia | Frank
Young | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
9140ba6de4351a108356e2911e6616752e2393924387330448 |
Wisconsin | Bruce
Hinkforth | 1 | Michael White | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914f5697e3ac56fcf7b49cf82f1dbacf8b2136208972287905 |
Women's Caucus | Ann
Link | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Michael White | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914cc2298fc86eba1f5d9fb97e1be3bbdf2134259974791095 |
Youth Caucus | Zack
Looney | 1 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914ae465e855eb901b3bf4d1b2be7475b39894122682356704 |
Youth Caucus | Natalia
Schuurman | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Preston Thacker | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
914e5be5c0ceed8a56d28720964422fd80f67106631965191 |
Latinx Caucus | Darlene
Elias | 1 | Violet Rose Zitola | On Ballot |