Delegation | Voter | Rank | Candidate | Type |
| | 1 | Chocolate Oatscream | Write In |
| | 1 | Molasses Gingersnap | Write In |
| | 1 | Americone Dream | Write In |
| | 1 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 1 | Chocolate Cherry | Write In |
| | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 1 | maple walnut | Write In |
| | 1 | Kafiltafish | Write In |
| | 1 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 1 | Graeter's black raspberry chocolate chip | Write In |
| | 1 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 1 | French Vanilla | Write In |
| | 1 | Organic Choclate | Write In |
| | 1 | Moose Tracks | Write In |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Black Walnut | Write In |
| | 2 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 2 | butter brickle | Write In |
| | 2 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Coconut Cream Goodness | Write In |
| | 2 | Sweet Cream | Write In |
| | 2 | Organic Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | Write In |
| | 2 | Rocky Road | Write In |
| | 2 | Eugene Debs | Write In |
| | 3 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 3 | mint chocolate chip | Write In |
| | 3 | Carob Mint Vegan | Write In |
| | 3 | Peanut Butter Vegan Rice Cream | Write In |
| | 3 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | butter pecan | Write In |
| | 3 | Rice Dream | Write In |
| | 3 | Lou Novak | Write In |
| | 4 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Pecan Praline | Write In |
| | 4 | Chocolate Mint Vegan | Write In |
| | 4 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Pineapple Sorbet | Write In |
| | 5 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Kahlua and Coffee | Write In |
| | 5 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Mango Sorbet | Write In |
| | 7 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 7 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 7 | No dessert just the check. Thanks. | Write In |
| | 7 | Smoked Almond - Wasabi | Write In |
| | 8 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
4619c450f805652ae9e7034a0c1e6729eae126276741697013 |
California | Richard
Chacker | 1 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461ea368346d2b7a892910c59c39f35eba4344341229681185 |
California | Budd
Dickinson | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461eea899249a6314f879a36dcb69979abf790261226338026 |
California | Peggy
Koteen | 1 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Cherry Garcia | Write In |
| | 4 | thankful for vegan ice cream | Write In |
Ballot key:
461ca792ae1909ebd10d497b60155bcda83120023553740845 |
California | Genevieve
Marcus | 1 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461385329f85f8adfefaf1198f207ae4fcf361239811767534 |
California | Cynthia
Santiago | 1 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
46181adf139814301999ac8cb4d0c0d60a9273253730606446 |
Colorado | Victor
Forsythe | 1 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461c7a170764810ef931d50f25fe290facf107542723829389 |
Colorado | Charlie
Green | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | mocha | Write In |
| | 3 | Rocky Road | Write In |
Ballot key:
46137a9f969058d7973ab7398977d6112c2987392207007058 |
District of Columbia | David
Bosserman | 1 | mango | Write In |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461f16d833d5b63dd1b4888583628307b79379677899115656 |
Georgia | Hugh
Esco | 1 | Moose Tracks | Write In |
| | 2 | Rocky Road | Write In |
| | 3 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461c2d4ac830a07ca00a0f325c229889207906257193942981 |
Hawaii | Jeff
Turner | 1 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 7 | test vote | Write In |
Ballot key:
4613e97f852325f1a8993e8b566b9ef5583443873462828577 |
Illinois | Rita
Maniotis | 1 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Spumoni | Write In |
Ballot key:
461d5ceff1783fd557e55450d670e9974b4117385514610873 |
Indiana | Jeff
Sutter | 1 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461f7edaae3e58359f5b778ce1015a47596859562703345511 |
Maine | Morgen
D'Arc | 1 | Intense Coffee | Write In |
| | 2 | Coffee Fudge Swirl | Write In |
| | 3 | Lemon Fresh Ginger Chunk | Write In |
Ballot key:
461a434fa57b60c12863cc654d418f230e6792941629895381 |
Maryland | Tim
Willard | 1 | Rocky Road | Write In |
| | 2 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 7 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
46124da92065d87f7255aab28d3da52da63531837702271463 |
Massachusetts | Elie
Yarden | 1 | green tea | Write In |
| | 2 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 4 | mango | Write In |
| | 5 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
4617b4d222657525efd0bd1b49807384d5f941965308167045 |
Minnesota | Farheen
Hakeem | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Rasberry chocalate | Write In |
Ballot key:
461c76ca8245f3931dbbc1770bbfaa7d636160963453268799 |
Mississippi | Jan
Hillegas | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
4614988de6b2da9f1744e2f06566a9dda5651307858904572 |
New York | Howie
Hawkins | 1 | Ecosocialist Watermelon | Write In |
| | 2 | Avocado Independent | Write In |
| | 3 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
4610be084b7b8d2ec8fe178f914fe055425374309348356672 |
New York | John
Keenan | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 7 | Cherry Garcia | Write In |
Ballot key:
4612757fe8038f714091068a238e91c7f3d175132705049613 |
New York | Julia
Willebrand | 1 | butter pecan | Write In |
| | 2 | Mango Sorbet | Write In |
| | 3 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461d7c713652347f1bb63edcf0093d38185569563490094583 |
Rhode Island | Tony
Affigne | 1 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Cherry Garcia | Write In |
Ballot key:
46197ab24193f00944410a647f2979fb1ee216645254073968 |
Tennessee | Donald
Land | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
46192a985750ff721fcdd730d1522a2bda0877647982839889 |
Virginia | Audrey
Clement | 1 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
46141cc695a67b1bf4c4df9c733ac56b076120867137981096 |
West Virginia | Karen
Grubb | 1 | maple walnut | Write In |
| | 2 | mint chocolate chip | Write In |
| | 3 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461c12bcb6450a5af8f0a3b6648cf47e22d362794090492385 |
West Virginia | Frank
Young | 1 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461448b61611e61553bb3215dce2157aedf711345532889562 |
Wisconsin | Ron
Hardy | 1 | Neapolitan | On Ballot |
| | 2 | Vanilla | On Ballot |
| | 3 | Apple Ginger Vegan Sorbet | On Ballot |
| | 4 | Strawberry | On Ballot |
| | 5 | Chocolate | On Ballot |
| | 6 | Soy-Based Vegan Ice Cream | On Ballot |
Ballot key:
461f999b84cfce95b755940ded7c1f47343738739447270655 |
Wisconsin | Bruce
Hinkforth | 1 | cookies'n'cream | Write In |
| | 2 | heath bar crunch | Write In |
| | 3 | mint melt-away | Write In |